Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Pope is having a baby . . .

I hardly know where to start, but I figure I a good move would be to pull the final post from my former blog (thepopeswife) to start this fresh blog off . . .

(written today)

Approximately one year ago . . .

  • Trevor was getting ready to leave for the annual men's ski retreat.
  • We were banning movies (well, giving them up, so to speak, for Lent . . . kind of started with the obsession with Dan in Real Life).
  • I got to talk to my FAVE radio host for the first of what would be several times.
  • I was reading She's Come Undone, feeling very disturbed but unable to put it down.
  • I was having pizza with a new friend who was quite pregnant.

And now, a year later . . .

  • Trevor is getting ready to leave for the annual men's ski retreat.
  • We (meaning Trevor and a co-worker) wired our house so that we can watch movies on demand from Netflix (the first one we tried was Dan in Real Life, of course).
  • My fave radio host is pursuing other career paths (which has been quite a grieving process for me - I miss Kim!)
  • I am reading a book called The Red Tent and contemplating the wonders of midwifery.
  • My then-pregnant friend is now a dear friend who has a 10 month old beautiful girl.
  • I am having pizza with Trevor, and also with my brother who now lives with us.

So yeah, I thought it was time to say that - we (Trevor and I, because you know we're kind of in this together) are officially 12 weeks along into this journey of preparing to have a baby. I cannot express how thankful we are to God, in awe of His goodness, the miracle of life, the lessons He's already teaching us on this road. And so, thepopeswife is now thepopesbabe . . . and you can find us at I've not posted anything yet, but plan to this evening. Thank you all faithful readers, I hope you'll follow us, pray for us, and also let us know how YOU'RE doing so we can follow you and pray for YOU (Facebook has made this so possible, maybe part of the reason I've not been blogging lately?).


So there, the pregnancy blog has thus begun! Whether any else reads this or not is besides the point, I'm just looking forward to having a place to express thoughts, concerns, joys, & trivial happenings that we can look back on and remember, "I didn't remember that!" . . . or, "I can't believe we thought that." . . . or, "I wish I would've known that."

And to set an expectation for anyone who does decide to follow this, I hope to be random too - to not have every topic revolve around a certain set of topics (although, God knows, everything I think or talk about lately is baby-related).

My first random thought is a quote I read today that really has me thinking: "Do something every day that scares you." I love that idea, because I tend to live a safe life. I only do what I absolutely know I can do well, which let's be honest is not that much! So, for today, starting this blog is that "one thing". I was scared to start it. It's vulnerable, it's creative, and I don't know how to post pictures yet. But I'll learn (that might be tomorrow's thing).


  1. I think we all live safe lives and I admire that you are striving to 'scare' yourself each day. Love the blog and can't wait to read more. :)

  2. Kelly isnt blogging about her pregnancy, but every once in a while I have been doing that (scattered within all of the other random stuff that I blog about). I'm so excited for you guys. Since we're only weeks ahead of you in the process, feel free to let me know if you have any questions--I can relay some of them to Kelly, and others I can probably answer myself. It just so happens we have our monthly baby doctor appointment today. Hopefully we'll have another ultrasound (we've had 3 so far). It's always fun to see the little guy. Congratulations once again!

  3. Congratulations! How have I missed this information for so long at the baby mill? I am clearly out of the gossip loop. :) Didn't know you had a blog. Will be checking it. Love to stalk people.
