Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Mother's Day

I feel like there are a lot of unexpressed expectations for Mother's Day . . . and always so much to think about. The "Prayers of the People" this morning acknowledged that the day is a blessing to celebrate and yet for so many can be one of grief. So many who want to be moms, or have lost their mothers, or have a disrepaired relationship . . . well, there are a range of emotions for many.

The closing of the prayers this morning was this:
"O God, you have prepared for those who love you such good things as surpass our understanding: Pour into our hearts such love towards you, that we, loving you in all things and above all things, may obtain your promises, which exceed all that we can desire"

Loved that. I think Mother's Day for many can bring to the surface some hearts' desires. I love the reminder that God's promises fulfill all of them (although maybe not in the way or timing we would choose).

Something else I've been talking about with friends and seems to be a theme is the thought of expectations on Mother's Day (I think expectations for any "holiday" can be an good thing to explore and discuss). I want to not expect much, but there is still this weight of expecting . . . something. Except, I don't always even know what? Just a thought to throw out there.

One more Mother's Day comment: I adored this blog post, it made these feelings of "YES" rise up in my soul and I have to record it here if only so I can come back and look at it from time to time. This mother thing can feel weight-y if I let it . . . such a precious child of God entrusted to my care, such responsibility.  And yet, we are both God's.

Karis is keeping things light and busy around here, I'm so thankful to be able to learn more about who she is every day. She is a character! I'm learning that she loves to explore wherever we are, and one sure way to do that is to wield the phrase: "I have to go potty". That way, she knows she can at least check out the bathroom. Nine times out of ten, she'll just sit there and giggle and survey her surroundings without a single tinkle. It cracks me up.

I love the way she says, out of the blue, in a deep and drawn out voice, "Mommmmmaaaaa". Still my heart.

I treasure the way she adores Trevor, follows him around in the yard, came in one night because she needed "garden gloves" (pink winter gloves) to match his (his were not pink).

I enjoy watching when she sees people she loves, she gets so excited that she can't contain herself and has to run all over the place and put on a little show.

Out of nowhere today she said to Lukas, "Bless your heart!". ! Oh my goodness, I melted! Seeing what a good reaction the phrase got, she starting "Bless your heart" to everything: me, her shoes, her dresses . . .

Picture from Easter, close enough to Mother's Day . . . 

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

May Day

May Day, defined (by wikipedia):
1 - an emergency procedure word used internationally as a distress signal in voice procedure radio communications
2 - an ancient northern hemisphere spring festival and usually a public holiday; it is also a traditional spring holiday in many cultures

I have some great memories of filling up (and receiving) dixie cups full of sugar-y stuff on sunshine-y May 1sts. Karis and I had fun ringing a few bells today.  

Last week we had a hosting high as we welcomed some dear people into our home. First, M & C joined us for a weekend that ended up feeling like a staycation to us: walks, bakeries, coffee, bookstores, simple meals, and neglected housework. Staying up past our bedtime, talking, laughing, encouraging. A beautiful boost to our routine days. 

Then my dad was here for a couple days, and we had a refreshing time with him: a dinner of "small plate" offerings from Trader Joes, he chased Karis around "the field", chatting till bedtime in the basement, lunch on the patio of a favorite cafe. It was sweet, when we dropped him off for the meetings that brought him to this area, Karis said, "Grandpa has to go back to grandma." Yes, Karis, indeed.  

Switching gears to random reflections: 

Trevor and I love to tell people about Karis's elaborate bedtime routine. It's about twenty steps long and at least that many minutes. However, we just realized that when one of us is gone, bedtime is lickity split. I had this moment of realization that her long bed-time is really created  by Trevor and me, we really savor that time of connection among the three of us and I think we prolong the event ourselves and Karis just goes along with it. It's precious that we can create routines together and make memories in the daily-ness of life.

We came across a verse this week that I thought was so appropriate: "Be still and know that I am God" (Psalm 46:10). BE STILL. Lately, Trevor and I have been talking about how hard it is for us to just stop. We like to be busy, get things done, see people, go places. Mostly we're okay, but we're both trying to examine what balance looks like in our family.

Our Reading Rainbow lately:
Karis's latest faves are Animal Babies, Hand Hand Fingers Thumb, A is for Annabel, Nursery Rhymes, Ferdinand the Bull, Blueberries for Sal

I've been enjoying some riveting reads that leave much to contemplate: The Gifts of Imperfection, Anna Karenina, China Road, My Life With the Saints, Dallas & The Spitfire, Simplicity Parenting.

Things you might hear Karis say this week:
- "Ohhhh yeahhhh" (said just like Trevor says it, hilarious every time)
- "No mommy do morning devotions! No mommy read Rhyming Bible" (what is it that is so intrinsic to want to do anything but read the Bible sometimes?! I'm trying to make it as fun as possible!)
- "No mommy ________" (talking, putting my hair up, putting on a sweatshirt . . . anything.)
- "What IS that one?"
- "No way!"
- "Mommy sit RIGHT HERE!" (I am mandated to do many things throughout the day)
- "You so goofy girl" (a rendition of what when we call her a goofy girl)
- "Watch ride in an automobile?" (latest fave youtube Sesame Street video)
- "Go to lake! Be so tall!" (referencing walking on a block wall on a trail by a lake last weekend)
- "Actually. Exactly" (two of her new favorite words)
- " (insert name of any of Karis's friends coming over) NOT gonna take the bike away" (um, a little possessive of her bike!)
- "Bye ______, say hi to _________!" (she knows who goes in pairs and if one person is missing she makes sure to tell the present person to say hi to the absent one. She is a parrot, I didn't realize how often Trevor and I do this until Karis picked up on it. It's way cuter to hear it from her than us!)
- "Keep in my bed a little longer" (I've said it before, this family enjoys their sleep)

Assembly required

Karis picked out her outfit this morning and said, "My May Day dress!"