Thursday, April 2, 2009

No more "it"

Well, we are hoping that tonight is the last night that we'll be saying "he/him" without being completely sure that Sammy is not a Sami. Yup, we have our 20 week ultrasound tomorrow, and I'm  beside myself with excitement, and really treasuring the shared anticipation with Trev. I read up today on what I can possibly do to help this little one move around at 8:30 tomorrow morning - the verdict is basically: cold liquids, carbonation and sugar -  more specifically orange juice. I of course bought orange juice this evening, and plan on mixing it with 7-up in the morning (that should taste okay after cheese and eggs, right?).  So, I'll keep you posted. 


  1. YAHOOOOO!! Can't wait to read and find out what 'it' is!!?? (c:

  2. AHHHHH... I feel my chest caving in!! PLEASE post about 'it'!!!!
