Sunday, April 19, 2009

A case of the waddles

Or maybe just a case. I consider myself to be a quite healthy and well-functioning person . . . but pregnancy has thrown me for a few loops. None of them bad, just normal stuff (and let me disclaim that I write the following to document, not to complain - I'm truly thankful to be feeling incredibly well). In the past 22 weeks I: had the flu at 8 weeks. Fell at 11 weeks, left me with just a little neck pain. Fell again (really hard on my tailbone) at 17 weeks - that one hurt for a few weeks. Then I got a cold for a week. And then I was feeling GREAT. For a few days. Until . . . I started having some nasty sciatic nerve pain. Which led me to a case of the waddles. The back stuff has caused me to walk funny. I was hoping that the interesting gait was noticeable only to me, but that disillusionment shattered this week when a kind woman met me in the hallway and said with the utmost enthusiasm, "Oooohhhhh, you're starting to waddle!" I felt I had to explain the back stuff to her, but what I really wanted to say was, "Um, is that ever a compliment?!?" I say this not with bitterness, I'm actually thankful for these moments because they give me something to ponder and write about.

What I've learned from the minor maladies:
1 - I'm vain and don't want to waddle. Oh, and I'm just plain vain.
2 - I don't like anything to slow me down. Which means I probably need to slow down. And also means I'm a control freak who thinks things need to go my way all the time. Um, hello Andrea, welcome to LIFE.

In other hopefully more uplifting thoughts, this weekend has been blessed with many brothers. Mine of course who is a mainstay in our house, and two of Trev's brothers came to spend the weekend here. The time was a blast as always. We grilled and ate outside to celebrate the brothers' b-days, then got a fire going and just soaked up the gorgeous weather. I'm thankful for the unique situation we have where my bro and Trev's bro are such good friends . . . cheesy as it sounds, it really is one big happy family, and I love it. We had the chance for another bonfire last night with some old friends from high school and their spouses, as well as some "new" friends who are expecting a boy ten days before our girl arrives (although, I had an interesting conversation with my mom today and told her I have this feeling I'll go early and she agreed!). Anyways, the bonfire was bountiful, there is something so miraculous and awe-inspiring about fire. And I wonder who ever discovered that graham crackers, marshmallows, and chocolate are so perfect together?

In deep thoughts, a friend today mentioned that she's been thinking a lot about why she believes what she believes, and that's left me with a lot to ponder. About everything. It's astonishing to think of how many beliefs we hold about even the smallest things, and to think from where those beliefs stem . . . relating to our present journey, I think of our new "belief" that natural childbirth is the way to go and of how we came to that belief and continue to form the reasons why we continue to "believe" it.

And wrapping up with baby things, here are some recent fun gifts - a swaddling blanket, adorable infant hat, and the most precious little shoes! Thank you all . . .

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