Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Bless his heart

Trevor and I are sitting here watching the rain, clad in sweatpants, sipping our beverages of choice, and I'm just thinking about how thankful I am for my husband.  If a person's true character is revealed by their instant reactions, then Trevor has the highest caliber character of anyone I know.  Some reactions that have revealed his character through this time of pregnancy:
  • The day we found out I was pregnant. 5:30 in the morning: "Trevor!  I think you better come here."  Reaction: he bounces out of bed like he's wide awake, looks at the stick on the bathroom floor and rejoiced immediately. 
  • Around 7 weeks pregnant: "Trevor, can you please stop by Wendy's?" Reaction: "Of course!" After a few days, he was asking me if I wanted him to stop by Wendy's. What a guy!  (as an aside, I miss the Wendy's days - they were much cheaper than Chipotle!). 
  • Around 10 weeks pregnant: "Trevor, I think we should take Bradley Method classes." Reaction: "All right, let's do it!" 
  • Around 20 weeks pregnant: "Trevor, I really think we should switch to midwife care." Reaction: "I trust you - let's do it."
  • Just last night: "Trevor, I think we should do cloth diapers."  Reaction: "All right, if you're up for it, so am I!"  I mean, how does he get so supportive and trusting?!? 
  • Just last night (in the middle of the night) . . . we were both getting colds, I was stuffed up and Trevor was snoring: "Trevor! Blow your nose (at 1am, 3am, 4am)!" Reaction: "Okay, oh, sorry."
  • About every other day: "Trevor! She's kicking!"  Reaction: He runs over to me, puts his head to my stomach and starts talking to Baby K. And sometimes she kicks even more. It's adorable. 
This week I put a CD together for a bridal shower, and it ended up having some songs from our dating years/engagement/wedding. I've been "proofing" the CD by listening to it in the car. This has caused lots of runny mascara at somewhat inopportune times. I just feel incredibly thankful and blessed for Trevor. Thanks Trev for being who you are, and for letting me into your life and for wanting to be in mine. 


  1. what a guy!! and yay for cloth diapers!!

  2. ha ha. I was just reading a blog post someone did on southern sayings and "bless his heart" is really code for "he isn't that bright". At least in the south. I am glad that isn't what the post was about. Trevor is a keeper.
