Saturday, April 4, 2009

"It's a . . . "

Sami!  Well, we think anyways. The ultrasound appointment is already an incredible memory.  Sitting in a dimly lit and quite comfortable room, Trevor right by my side, watching together the profile of our little baby come into view on the screen in front of us - and then getting to see EVERY part of our baby (not what I expected, actually). I mean, nostrils, kidneys, eye sockets, everything. Everything, that is, except anything in between the legs (how unladylike of me to say that!). Little Sami was sleeping soundly for most of the half hour of picture taking, all curled up into a beautiful little ball, which was meaning no chance to know the sex. I knew the appointment was almost over, and I was just praying that I'd be able to gracefully accept that we wouldn't be knowing the sex of our baby until August, focusing on the knowing that we could see two arms, two hands, two legs, a brain, all the organs. And all seemingly healthy (we have an appt. Wednesday to go over the results with our OB).  Anyways, Trevor, on the other hand, was praying that Sami would MOVE and show us something, anything! 

And then, in literally the LAST measurement that the tech was trying to find (upper lip, or heart arch or something like that), Sami started moving, and sucking her fingers.  So the tech graciously led the camera to "other parts" of baby's body, and we were able to see . . . well, nothing. Which means that we are most likely having a little girl! The tech said they never say 100% with girls (something about the other parts sometimes growing later?!?). But she said she's 80% sure . . . so we're going on it. I'm also reassured knowing that both our moms were thinking we were having a girl. We're so thankful for the chance to see our little baby and knowing the sex is just a special gift. 

I was so focused on the screen, I wish I would've diverted my gaze to Trev's face when she said, "Oh, I think it's a girl!"  He admitted to complete shock, and that he was sure to the very end that we would be meeting a Sammy.  But of course he's thrilled, and I can't wait to see him father a little girl. 

Trev and I are both especially humbled by all the love, support, and excitement from our family and friends, and even our families' friends!  Things like my mom's coworker going to get caramel rolls to celebrate yesterday morning, and the people who remembered from weeks ago that our appt. was yesterday . . . well, we feel so very blessed. Thank you all. 


  1. Yipeee! I am so thrilled that she is healthy. It is a breathtaking thing to "meet" your little one on the screen. I get teary thinking about our sonograms. I'm glad it was a great experience. Love you guys!

  2. Very exciting! Girls are so much fun. Bring on the PINK! Boys are fun too but oh so different from girls. However,I will warn that I did have a friend surprised in the delivery room so you never know...

  3. Oh, congratulations! We "plan" to have a boy next :), and as soon as we do, I can pass on tubs on pink and purple to you to scavenge through!
