Thursday, April 11, 2013


As I write there is a fair amount of snow outside my window. I'm up early with some half-caf coffee after a pretty decent night (of which there are more and more, and for which I am so grateful). I guess we are getting our chance to possibly take Karis sledding (um, for the first time EVER. 3 1/2 and no sledding, that's right). Ironically, in Jesus Calling this morning, there was a sentence about "don't complain about anything, even the weather".  Not once has this little daily book mentioned the weather - hilarious!

I'm thinking about the last time I sat down to write and all the little and big moments of the past few weeks. The big event was Holy Week, which led up to the Saturday Easter Vigil, at which Judah was baptized. I haven't taken time to fully reflect on the power of this sacrament and what it means for his life. He is a child of God, and right now the words Christian said while he anointed Judah's head with oil come to mind: "Judah you are signed with the seal of the cross."

Some sweet memories include . . .

- An open house here for family and Godparents. It was a joy to watch people mingle, and most followed us to the church for the Vigil
- Judah wore a beautiful outfit that his Grandma Lorie got especially for him
- We all watched and worshiped at the Vigil, which is my very favorite service EVER. The three hours are filled with dramatic retelling of passages from Genesis to the Gospels that lead up to the official start of the Easter celebration. The scripture, the songs, the lighting, the dancing, the artwork - all intricate, intentional, astounding. Judah slept through a great deal of the service in the Moby, I'll always remember that time with him
- Before the service, I went to nurse and change Judah. I was in the basement bathroom, he was getting tired, and I was having quite the time trying to get him dressed. I was regretting not taking my mom up on her offer to come along to help . . . and not a minute later she and Karis walked into the bathroom. It was a sweet moment, and so needed. Thank you, Karis, for needing to go to the bathroom! We got him suited up, Moby-wrapped, and soaked in the service together
- The verses we chose for Judah are Ephesians 1: 17-19a:
"I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of Glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Hi, the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance of the saints, and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe."

Easter was an exciting celebration, church and hymns and hot cross buns, brunch at Mill Valley Kitchen, naps (Grandpa Kirk helped Karis nap that weekend, precious), dinner at Redstone, cupcakes and ice cream back here for Uncle Drew's birthday.

The next week I quite crashed! We enjoyed restored health, a dinner here with former neighbors, story and craft time at Lifeway, walks around the neighborhood. At the end of the week we welcomed a dear  friend from college and had a fabulous time having her with us through the weekend. The days flew with some running around, hanging out, cooking, and getting through season 1 of Call the Midwife.

Daily updates are that the days begin earlier and earlier. And thus my chances to practice flexibility increase. I admit that I have quite the standard for how the days should look, and I realize more and more that it's not really up to me! Will I learn?


- "Mommy, did Luke's grandpa drive to heaven in a car? I think Luke's grandpa has lots of good snacks in bed in heaven" (we visited some grieving friends, and since it was Lent and all, thought we might as well be honest about everything - it's opened up some good conversations)
- "Carry me! My foot hurts. I don't think I'll jump off the bed anymore" (Karis and her friends were - sneakily - jumping off an adult bed . . . Karis however, didn't have a pillow to land on. Thank God my mom arrived a few hours later to help carry Karis around)
- "I'm going to be so tired if I finish all my dinner"
- "I'm going to be so dizzy if I clean up"
- "Can you reach the ceiling?" (said every single place we go - not sure from where this came?)
- "Christ the Lord is Risen Today!" (she sings this hymn with such gusto. Actually, Karis sings through her day, very entertaining and uplifting)
- She dresses her piggy bank during nappers
- She puts stickers on everything. Everything. I had a lady at Target this week ask me if she should remove the stickers from my jacket.
- "Mommy, why is the weather broken?" Indeed, dear daughter!

Judah updates:

- He LOVES to be looked at, talked to, and held (especially so he can look over one's shoulder)
- He continues to be calm, content, and mellow
- He falls asleep almost immediately when I wrap him in the Moby wrap
- He blows bubbles of spit and can soak my shirt (or his) in minutes
- He likes to suck on his hands when he can find them
- He lights up with smiling eyes and gummy mouth, coos, and is basically the most squishy and delicious little thing ever

In media:

An article to love

A song to dance to from the Vigil. Considering it's about PRAISE (the meaning of Judah), I believe this will be the song I most remember from his baptism  - it's also the song during which the congregation sings alleluia for the first time, the start of the Easter celebration.

From How to Talk so Kids Will Listen and Listen so Kids Will Talk:
". . . the hardest part is the shift we have to make in attitude. We have to stop thinking of the child as a problem that needs correction . . . we have to stop worrying that if we're not 'tough enough' the child will take advantage of us. It requires a great act of faith to believe that if we take the time to sit down and share our real feelings with a young person, and listen to his feelings, together we'll come up with solutions that will be right for both of us . . . when there is conflict, we no longer have to mobilize our forces against each other and worry about who will emerge victorious and who will go down in defeat".
(this is resonating after some bedtime behavior regression - I just told Trevor earlier in the week how normal things were feeling). I keep wondering what our various roles are in this situation - between grace, authority, help, independence . . . Anyways!

I got Alexander and the Terrible Horrible . . . book for Karis, and discovered I really don't enjoy reading that book - and she of course keeps asking for the "sick book" (because he's sick in it). Is this indicative of future differing opinions on literature?

Started reading the book Wonder for book club. Interesting.

Finished Bringing up Bebe, thoroughly entertaining and surprisingly applicable.

8 children were baptized that night,  amazing to share the joy with so many families

Late at night after the Vigil

Karis at the end of the Vigil . . . claiming the Rold Golds and offering them to other hungry tots

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