Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leap day

 How did you spend this "extra"day of the year? Our's was memorable mostly because of the snow we woke up to . . . and then tromped through and tried to shovel (Trev had more success and I eased my guilt by vacuuming and cleaning the bathroom). The trees and scenery were gorgeous this morning, and then gave way to massive amounts of heavy, gloppy, messy slush. We also capitalized on a coffee date opportunity at Caribou.Happy Leap Day!

I need a place to capture quotes from books, articles, blogs - so many strike me, yet I seem to forget them almost as fast as I read them. This might as well be the place.

A recent line  I read in two different places within 24 hours (crazy! I think that means I should pay attention to what it says):
"Find new friends, but keep the old. One is silver, the other gold". If you are an "old" friend, and you happen to read this - well, please know you are a treasure.

A psalm said said daily around here:
118:24 "This is the day the the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it"

Another recently read from How We Love Our Kids:
"Not only do kids reveal our weaknesses, they frustrate our need for control and predictability . . . like little coaches pointing out weaknesses and defining our training, children point spotlights on places we need to grow in our lives."

So true, in a very good way. I'm reminded often that Karis's life is a gift, and Trevor and I have the privilege of raising her. This entails many, many moments of joy - and plenty reflected in this quote as well. Sometimes at the end of the day, I realize how many tiny decisions have been executed in just one tiny square box on a calendar - I need wisdom and grace to be making the best choices on behalf of this precious little person entrusted to my care.

I was also delighted tonight when Anne of Green Gables (the Sequel) stated that she likes when names are spelled with "K" instead of "C". And a scene when her class is singing "All Things Bright and Beautiful", a song that Karis asks me to sing every night right before bed. It's the small things, as always.

There's too much to write about that I can't even start right now - we enjoyed an awesome vacation last week that deserves its own post entirely, with lots of pictures of beach baby Karis.

Lenten thoughts also deserve another session of writing . . . in the meantime . . . 

Recent Karis-isms:
- "I want some hair 'jello'" (my latest favorite!)
- Having to wear her purple crocs inside at all times
- "Where are we going?" (asked at anytime of day, not necessarily when we're going somewhere)
- "What's on your face?" (awkward when asked of non-family members)
- "No, no!" (common reply to any question she is asked)
- "I want a girl scout cookie!"
- "Daddy, come inside!" (peeking her head out the door while he was shoveling)
- "Play legos! Build a house!"
- Favorite books lately: I Love You, Mouse. Corduroy, Sheep Take a Hike, Always Room for One More, Nursery Rhymes, Goodnight Moon, Napping House, Piggies, The Foot Book, Runaway Bunny
- Favorite song this week: "You Are My Sunshine"
From a month ago, a ride on an escalator


  1. Pinterest? Really, it's made for saving stuff like that. Although, you'd have to put your quotes in an image or find one, I guess. Or, you can do what I do and put them in a lame spreadsheet.

    "I want a girl scout cookie!" And she will not stop saying that for, at the very least, the next 33 years.

  2. I should add: the "make new friends, but keep the old, one is silver and the other gold" is a Girl Scout song.
