Friday, May 10, 2013

So. Very. Everything.

I was just trying to explain to Trevor how I am basically polar opposites on every measure of everything: I am extreme introvert AND extrovert. I love to walk AND sit and do nothing. I love to eat fresh and good-for-the-body things AND I love greasy bacon and sugar in the worst way.

I LOVE my little family with a crushing intensity that can leave me breathless and cause me to melt into a puddle of pure and passionate moosh . . .  AND they can all, simultaneously, drive me to near insanity. It's at that point that I should probably haul myself to the nearest Caribou for a $3.00 bandaid to cover up the current cumulative lack of sleep. However, when that insane moment is 10:00 pm, after a day that held a stomach ache (me), no nap (Karis), and a weird bedtime (all of us) . . . I just pray for mercy.

I'm writing this in the morning hours, and I'm always amazed at how the Word comes alive because of such moments of insanity. And I will again and again and again quote from Lamentations: "Mercies are new every morning". Yes! I love mornings.

It's Friday. The sun is shining. The week was truly bright and filled with grace. Karis is delightful, Judah is squishy, Trevor is gentle and always Grace in our family. We made connections with friends, Uncle T & his girlfriend K took Karis on a walk after dinner one evening . . . Trevor went to "brews with the bros", a mom friend (with older daughters) doted on us in her home, Judah had a fabulous 4 month well child check up, a dear old friend (again, with older daughters) came over for a walk and to love on Karis. We are truly, richly, abundantly blessed. And I'm truly grateful.

And so back to polar opposites, I can be both tired-crabby AND grandiosely-grateful at the same time.

Judah updates:
- He is finding his hands, and I could probably watch this discovery for hours and hours
- He can sit in the bumbo, and is even dangerous in it already as he kicks himself up and out

- Obsession with Amelia Bedelia. We read it a few times a day and she has memorized this 60 page tome and can read it back to me with surprising accuracy
- She loves to make funny faces. And my, they are funny

So much more, but let's just post this already. Happy weekend, all . . .

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