Monday, February 1, 2016

"Still, Still, Still"

Let's just pretend that it's "Still, Still, Still" Advent . . .  because as I hit that little "publish" button, Advent is now a memory, and how I love memories. They simmer and I savor. I love to think about the good times, what we've learned, how we've grown. The perspective time gives, the way things do work together for the good, the way usually the "cream rises to the top".

Something significant happened here on Dec. 3 . . . in the form of a car accident. About 2 minutes after it happened and I realized we were all okay, I thought about how I craved a simple Advent . . .and how this might force us further into that hope. It was horrible (and yet in the grand scheme of accidents, probably not awful). But to me, horrible. Hit and run at a 4 way stop, impact on Judah's side, turned us around, Judah's air bags went off . . .and, we were completely unscratched. Car totaled, we had not a mark. Maybe sounds Pollyanna-ish, but for sure the Graces and Mercies that followed far outweighed any harm caused by this rattling event. I could go on and on (and I just might). And again, memory can be a beautiful thing sometimes, when I choose to focus on the Redeeming ones. Ready? My best friend and her 2 littles were right behind us . . . sweet Marissa watched it happen, Becky pulled over. She helped me with Judah (who, mercifully, was upset for a short time and then settled into his car seat for at least an hour). She prayed for me. Trevor zoomed to us. Amazing police men. We were completely unhurt. The friend who was supposed to come over that morning has also been in an accident and her empathy over the phone was a gift. It was a clear and sunny day, chilly but bearable to stand and figure things out. Trev was able to drive the car home. Insurance -wow - we know our agent (her wife is an acquaintance of mine through a play group, wild) - kind people, new car seats, doctor check ups, some chiro care. Our sister in law loaned us her car for a week, Trev bused/biked and he was pure grace and mercy to me over and over. Connecting with family. The day after I met a dear friend for coffee and she pulled monster cookies out of her purse - I had burned some to a crisp earlier that day, so I just laughed at that simple but significant-to-me gift. The mercies went on and on, including Trev's parents were already selling a car and we were able to use the total loss coverage to purchase.

That said, what I wouldn't give to have lingered 3 more seconds or left the school 3 seconds earlier . . . to have my blue car back . . . to not be receiving insurance & police calls or filling out paperwork or trying to figure out if we should keep going to the chiro . . . or feeling like every car is coming at me . . . or the triggered anxiety that I sometimes have to face head on . . . or hearing the kids continue to make sense of it all when I'd rather not talk about it.

And I wonder - we were so very unhurt and provided for, and wow the people who aren't and are hurt and are having to use every bit of insurance they have. Well, we receive the Grace. And feel more awareness for those whose reality from accidents is different.

Well, moving on. December was a quiet and meaningful season here. Especially in retrospect.

A couple songs that marked the season 

Still, Still, Still. 

King of Heaven Come Down

Making Stations
Karis makes "stations" (her term) all around the house and I love it. The latest is of course surrounding the Christmas tree . . . her creation evolves every day with more chairs, more paper, more books, more stuff. Stuff. Lots of stuff. Her room - lots of stuff, lots of stations.

I Say No Mommy! (that's much better)
Oh Judah. He loves to contradict me (if I say the sky is blue today, he responds "No Mommy sky not blue!"). So, if I say "Stop. Speak kindly please" he'll respond, "Hi, Mommy! That's much better" (after hearing me say "that's much better" over and over). I love that boy so.

Playing in Carseat boxes
Well, thanks insurance, for the beautiful new car seats! And of course for the boxes, what fun.

Decorating School
Part of the inward hunkering down helped me choose quieter things this season. On a morning I was supposed to go to the church for a narration study that I love, people were decorating Christmas trees at Karis's school. Our besties were there and it ended up being a highlight of Advent - we found a cozy basement room (BASEMENTS. Did you know I love basements? I do) and set up a tree and watched our littles run around and watched our bigs come and go in the rhythm of their school day. Thank you spontaneity, sometimes you know best.

Belated Celebration
Happy 30th b-day, little brother (way late and not at Valley Fair as promised. Next year?). Tiny Diner, Bogart Donuts, Bryant Lake Bowl, getting candy at Uncle's office. It's clear that Uncle Drew's (very belated) 30th b-day celebration was the most fun for Judah. It was a sweet morning of having some little S. Mpls adventures together, happy happy birthday!

Some old time reading . . . after Heidi I leaped into Robinson Crusoe:
"I spent the whole day in humble and thankful acknowledgement of the many wonderful mercies . . . which my condition was attended with, and without which it might have been infinitely more miserable."

Oh, that was timely. Thank you, Robinson.

Celebration of Carols & Lessons
This is a tradition at Karis's school (their version of a Christmas program) and the time was memorable, beautiful, special. Grandma N & Grandpa K & Drew & Mel were there (thankfully Judah listened to Mel's instruction for "shhhh"!). We sang and celebrated and then continued the weekend with an early Christmas here with grandma's meatballs and an afternoon viewing of Frozen (after a morning of play at Eden Prairie Center that included a quiet Barnes and Noble coffee date for me and Trev. Early present!). Oh, and Friday morning we did Nicolett Island Inn breakfast and a run around Macy's Santa Land for Judah. So festive.

Star Wars!
A highlight for Trev that needs to be mentioned. Rave reviews from this fan and I hope to see it with him soon.

Early Celebration ala Karis
Karis spent much of Advent busy in her room making presents for our little family. She made notes to remind us that the Tuesday before we left for Bismarck is the day we were to open these gifts. The day came, we enjoyed a candlelight meatball dinner (thanks grandma Nancy!). We gathered in the toy room for some piano and singing, and she brought down all the gifts. Lots of baggies, each with a piece of paper labeled "present" inside. We were warned that some were to borrow, some were to keep. They were chosen with creative care and I for sure melted watching her hand us our gifts - a hand-sewn dog for Judah with his initials. A bag of quarters for me to use at Aldi (I've been without/losing mine occasionally!). Rubber duckies. Other miscellanea from her room. We usually do Epiphany gifts (3 simple ones - sometimes an experience instead of a tangible), but we gave the kids the books we'd gotten - Mr. Popper's Penguins for Karis. She squealed, to have her very own copy. That sweet girl, exploding with joy. Judah got Animals of the Bible, he didn't squeal. We ended with ice cream and appropriate parenting gushing and mushi-ness.

More random Memories:
- Judah loves "Oh Christmas Tree", "Hark the Herald Angels Sing" and reading Christmas in the Barn
- Do you wanna build a snowman? Of course! Daddy will help you
- They both love dancing while I play carols on the piano
- This year's fave Christmas books for Karis are Peter & Lotta's Christmas and Christmas Tree Memories
- Judah's are Room for a Little One, Christmas is Here, Christmas in the Barn
- Together they love turning off all but the Christmas tree lights and dancing to a CD of Canon in D or the Nutcracker
- Being home. We were just home a lot. We talked on the way back from Thanksgiving about keeping things simple (hello, car accident forced that on us in some ways) and inviting people into our home. We enjoyed time with a random co-worker of Trev's here for Elk, dear neighbor framily over for meatball dinner and candlelight Advent readings, more framily for a Sunday hang with treats and talk
- "Gym day" with dear friends, kids ran off energy while moms talked each other off the ledge of holiday hyperactivity
- Watching for our Christmas lights to come on outside
- Spending a snowy cold morning at precious Eliza's dance recital
- Evening candlelight devotions. The People Walking in Darkness . . . Have Seen a Great Light!

To be continued . . .The Twelve Days of Christmas (cue music)

- "Oh, I just love your car so much!"
-"Momma, did the police men write a note to the governor about your accident so he can know about it?"
- "Isn't it just so magnificent! I just really want to try to draw this doll house" (after reading Becky's Christmas)
- "Judah, that's enough!"
- "All right, we took off all our wares!"
- "It's the grand finale!"
- "Judah, Karis-ee has to go to school, and you get to go on a date with Drew-ey!"
- "Judah, Karis-ee made you a DOG! Do you like it?"
- "The lights came on!"

Judah Jibes: 
- "Mommy's car got a scrape!"
- "Little man helped mommy!"
- "Mommy was sad in blue car"
- "Becky pray mommy"
- "Mommy pray Judah" (before bed now, and he nuzzles in and doesn't seem to want to let go . . . )
- "Toast casserole!" (he loved a recent french toast casserole)
- "No mommy! Sky's not blue!"
- "Grandma Grandpa come Christmastime!"
- "Daddy at spaceship!" (mis understood "car dealership" on our way to pick up Trev)
- "I say NO MOMMMY! Hi Mommy. That's much better"
- "Ahhh, I think . . . change diaper!"
- "Ahhhh, I think . . . pray for Judah one more time!"
- "We go on Drewey date!"
- "I poop at other table at restaurant"
- "It's Tiny Diner!" (while pretending to cook. Ha!)
- "Mommy where are you? Mommy what are you doing?" (in cutest voice)
- "What are you making, Mommy?"
- "Where are we gonna go, Mommy?"

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