It's so cliche, but time really does fly. These past two weeks have gone so quickly, and I can only imagine the next few will be just as fast . . . and then we'll have a little girl in our arms! I find myself extremely tuned into every little movement, contraction, or difference that I feel. Some days I have a ton of "braxton hicks", I feel Baby K get the hiccups on a daily basis, and she just feels different somehow. I'm looking forward to our appt. on Wednesday where we hope to find out some details on how things are progressing. Wow.
I find myself flashing back over the past nine months to an abundance of pronounced memories and events that have marked this pregnancy with such joy. From finding out on a blizzard-y and eventful day, telling our families & friends, celebrating so many annual special events, some road trips, some guests, and a lot of daily things that somehow seem not so daily when you're growing a baby. I've treasured this time completely.
So, I lost my waddle as I somehow gained my ability to walk again (well, maybe I still waddle a little, but I'm not in pain anymore which has become the main thing for me). I lost my ability to sleep any past 7am, and I gained a craving for chocolate cupcakes and cool ranch doritos. I lost my head a couple times and gained the opportunity to show my brother what a crazy hormonal pregnant woman is capable of (i.e. sudden and quite unprovoked outbursts of somewhat negative emotions taken out on said woman's husband. Sorry Trev. And Drew, I like to think this is just continuing your education about enigmatic female tendencies, so instead of "sorry" I will say "you're welcome").
I often lose my fear of the future and depending on the day, I gain it back again. One day I think we're ready. The next I think my recurring nightmares of tornadoes (for real, I've been dreaming about tornadoes on an almost weekly basis) must have some deep psychological meaning. Most days I'm overwhelmed with awe of this miracle of life, and all days I feel blessed that God would entrust us with this beautiful creation.
One of the highlights of this week was discovering that the digital wrist watch Trevor ordered that came in the mail (which I thought he got just because he wanted a new watch) he got for the sole purpose of timing my contractions! How sweet. He really is a treasure.
Events-wise, these past couple weeks have been filled with very special baby showers, including one thrown for me by my co-workers (very special and fun!), one for a friend who's due with her boy ten days before me, and one for my dearest friend here celebrating her little girl due to arrive in October . . . the celebration of each life is beautiful, and to be even a small part of loving on these babies and families is an honor and joy. This weekend I also had the fun of spending a relaxing evening with a few dear college friends who were in town. In short, lots of good girl time has been had.
And in funny pregnancy comments, I forgot to mention a couple new ones (some resulting from the waddle, others from just getting rounder or the fact that apparently people can say anything to a pregnant woman):
- "You kind of look like my grandma!"
- "Oh, you look SO much better than you did yesterday."
- "Can you GET any bigger?!?"
- "You look like you could go into labor any time."
- My latest favorite was just uttered today. A very kind mother of a six week old sweet baby boy asked if I'm getting nervous. I said, "yes". She said, "Labor was the worst experience of my life. It was awful. I'm still getting over it". Ummmm, I'm sorry? Thanks for the warning?
HA. I love it. The redeeming comments have been, "You could be a pregnant model" (THIS from the same one who told me I look like her grandma), and "When you pull up behind a table you don't look pregnant" (then again, don't most pregnant women look not pregnant when you can't see their tummies?). Or, "Wow, you're butt is still small - when I got pregnant . . . ". They all make me laugh, and I'm continually amazed at what public property pregnant women can be to others (like, when hands fly to my belly with little or no notice). I don't mind.
Random picture time:
Here's the "almost 37 week picture". We still love watching her move around in her little womb home.
A fun summer afternoon in June with our youth group at Como Park, ending at "Connie's Cones" (amazing place, thanks Reeds for the introduction).
My dear friend N and I at the baby shower she threw for me . . . a picture of all hostesses to come once I get one - thanks to all the hands and hearts that made it such a special day!
Mothers, aunt, grandma, cousins, niece . . . several traveled a great distance to be there, I'm so thankful.
Wonderful friends from Trev's days at NDSU, on the 4th of July. Their little boy is such a doll!
My fab coworkers at the shower they threw for Baby K - amazing!
A brother dinner, some time ago . . . it's rare to get a picture of them all!