Monday, March 19, 2018

Except February, that has 28

The shortest month started with . . . the Super Moon
Trev called me outside (literal phone call) in the darkness of morning, to watch the blue/super/blood moon, along with neighbor Joan. Stunning!

Greatest Showman
That's all. A random Saturday noon viewing with a kindred spirit - tears flowing at various parts, snow swirling outside. Sweet memory that lives on as the kids and I blast the songs and Karis asks a million questions about the movie (might take her to see it).

Furniture and Finish
Trevor found a steal of a craigs-list-deal. I wasn't excited AND I trust him with these things. It's comfy to settle into our roles: Trev's a change agent, and I can follow his lead. He has vision and helps me grasp the outlook, and then I can help get him there (I hope).

Superbowl and Big Questions
Our kids are full of wonder - wonderings, questions.
Questions about football. Karis wanted to know it all, such an eager mind.
On the way home, watching the dark starry sky, she wondered big questions about God, we shared and wondered alongside.
Before it all, big questions about big adult things and so we started the big conversations, setting her down with coloring and knowing we can talk about these things at the kitchen table or wherever she asks.
The big q's continue with Judah: "I wonder if we could ever see God's face?" and "Mommy how to babies come out of mommies?". It's good

Ding Dong, Fish 2 is Dead
"I just now realized that my fish is really dead" (cue, sobs)
"What's the use of it? He's DEAD!" (sob sob sob) when I offered to help write a poem.

These memorable moments may have been after Trev and I joked that we could have sushi for dinner. Oops, forgot to save those jokes for our own enjoyment.

Discount Flowers bring . . . cuteness
Judah reminded me to live in the moment, he asked to buy some discounted flowers at a checkout line one day. These kids teach us, always.

Men's Retreat/Sleepover/mommy fun day
Trev went on the yearly men's retreat followed by a work trip, kids and I found our rhythm: Karis and I had a sleepover in my room the whole time, it was the best. She moved in with joy, loved that time with her. Friday night dear fam and friends shared Jets here with us, a treat in all ways. Simple things wow these littles: library, Michael's, a movie on the couch. Culver's with cousins, messing up the house, loving these days. Trev had fun too and his calls home radiated joy and refreshment, good for all.

Hamburger Allergy
During said mommy days, we ended with quarter pounders at McDonald's for the kids - which ended with Judah writhing at bedtime, "Give me medicine to help my tummy, it hurts so bad!". By some act of God I whisked him downstairs just in time for the major splat to happen on the kitchen floor. Phew. Poor guy, he hasn't thrown up for years and we had a good chat - about stories from my childhood (ahem, Uncle Drew). He's still talking about it and has informed us, "So, I have a hamburger allergy".

We hear them at night and early morning sometimes,  they feel like my dawn-of-the-day friends. Creation is a wonder.

Valentine's in the Ashes
We enjoyed a carpool date the day before - Judah and his sweet friend Poppy. So dear!
The day of we did it all . . . pink pancakes, heart jigglers, heart noodles, Barnes and Noble (tradition, thanks Gma and Gpa!), read Bear Hugs and St. Valentine, Qdoba. Oh yeah, and Ash Wednesday service in the middle, during which we were all so tired we may have closed our eyes for a few minutes.

Footie Pajamies
Judah's been "shopping" in his closet (boxes of hand me downs). During rest time one day he called me in, "Mommy, oh mommy!" (happens several times per rest time) and I will never forget this most precious sight: footie jammies laid out on the floor (one pair on his person) and the exclamation, "I found footie pajamies!" Oh heart melt. My little big boy.

Birthday Bash & Hotel Hooligans
Oh the Pandolfo's know how to party, such a gift. My parents took the kids overnight in their sweet-suite hotel. Bless them, as the arrangements put them each in bed with a child. Adorbes, and I joined them in the morning for waterslides and a day of hanging before . . . the cousin birthday party at Buca. Such fun, how can L & C be two already? Celebrating their lives, a gift to us all, and watching them take in the love (and L taking in the cheesecake), precious. Grateful.

Snow Houses/Sunday Flows
For a couple weeks, Karis and I came home from church alone to eat lunch in front of a show. The best! One Sunday she spent hours making a house, oh the imagination and energy.

Never too Late . . . to Laugh at Ourselves
A sleep update, it's just so much better, and I want to keep a grip on gratitude. Also, a grip on humor. Because while better, our sleeping arrangements still probably look wonky to the world. I went to see Karis one morning, she was on a cozy nest by her door. Trev was on his own nest by our door. I had spent the night in our bed. Judah doesn't even have a bed (a tent, he has a tent). And I just laughed with Karis. I love her laugh.

The Books
Lately with Karis: Ronia the Robber's Daughter (so good!), Magician's Nephew, Lemony Snicket, Nancy Drew Diaries
Lately with Judah: No One Likes a Goblin, Dragons Love Tacos
Andrea: Whole Brained Child, Loving Each One Best, Laurus, Sacred Enneagram, Rare Bird, Reliving the Passion

- "Mom, I got a RARE Hatchimal!"
- "I'm not asking you to prove it, just WHY do we believe that God is our God?"
- "Ah-MAZE-ing" (everything is amazing, it's so fun!)
- "omg" (oops, I think I need to stop saying this if I don't want her to . . .)
- "Momma, our new read aloud is Five Little Peppers and How They Grew! At first I thought it was about a garden and peppers and I thought that sounded kinda boring"
- "I detect something that tastes like thieves" (as in, the oil, it was cake spice in waffles)
- "Wow, Judah and Poppy have an awesome relationship" (when she saw a picture she drew for him)

Judah Jabbers:
- "My eyes are watering. Does that mean I'm crying? I'm not crying"
- "Mom, when I want the pepper, I can just sprinkle it on myself 'cuz I'm a BIG boy!"
- "Karisee, I dreamed about princesses last night. What are you going to dream about?"
- "I'm gonna try to dream about the monster truck jam show tonight"
- "Karisee really needs a play buddy, I'm going out to play with her!"
- "Mommy can I use the tooter balloon with Karisee?" (the whoopie cushion they got in the mail)
- "The rule in my room is you have to suck your thumb"
- "Make sure you let the sunshine in!" (wanting me to pull up his shades during rest time)
- "Mom! I dreamed about REAL fire trucks last night!" (first words as he popped out of his tent one Sunday morning)
- "Daddy, how was Black Panther? Tell me about it!"
- "I can't believe I'm Judah"
- "Mom, can you show me allllllll the places?" (on our world map)
- "Please stop singing. It's too beautiful"
- "Which Drew is it? Is it the Drew that goes with the Melanie?"
- "I believe in you, you can do it!" (while carrying him upstairs)
- "I wanna be a transformer when I grow up!"
- "Don't tell Caleb I suck my thumb. Night is my favorite time to suck my thumb"
- "I'm gonna give daddy a pootsie so he can have pootsie power just like me!"
- "I'm gonna go say some bathroom talk" (as he heads to the bathroom, where he's allowed to do such things)