Tuesday, February 27, 2018


Remember. Receive. Reflect. These are the words shaping the year so far - especially with the lens of love - remembering, receiving, reflecting. Filling each other up, pouring out. Rinse, wash, repeat.

So, to the remembering . . .

Joy to the World
Well, Epiphany is a real deal in our home (Karis anticipates the 3 gifts). This year we lit the Christ candle (Epiphany = light) and shouted out Joy to the World, deciding it's a new tradition for sure. Followed by the disrobing the house of its festive wear. And, we celebrated by getting a new Christmas Tree (artificial, of course).

The yearly work gathering was at a new place and with triple the people this year . . . I always miss my family, and it's always a meaningful time and well spent. Brainstorming, praying, wondering, dining, laughing, cozying up in corners for chats.

While I was away, my girl grew up by about 5 years by getting bangs. So sweet!

Especially moving this year, watching part of the "Dream speech" with the kids, as well as the "Kid President" video. Meeting with our life group that night, eating pecan pie (thank you M fam!) and hearing a couple's memories of visiting the hotel/museum where he died. Much to ponder.

We're so thankful for a family adventure to Arizona, wonderful in all ways (thanks for welcoming us to crash your vacation K&N!). Zoo, Aquarium, hiking Superstition Mountain, dining al fresco, hiking the neighborhood, Organ Pizza . . . a day in the airport getting on and off the plane twice (!!!) until the flight was finally canceled (weather shut-down for MSP) and then staying two extra nights to savor the sunshine and tour an olive farm and stay in a hotel with G & G. Savoring the warm memories already.

Sleep. Sleep. Sleep.
We went through a hard sleep season (reminiscent of her 4th year when we moved/Judah was 2 months old). And my fear about the last hard sleep season re-occurring was fierce, and so the thing isn't always the thing -  digging in to some of those feelings, making some mistakes, going forward in new ways. In it all, I've felt God's great attention - I don't know why He cares to pay attention to this journey, I'm learning to receive His  direction/correction/grace. Karis and I have had some highs and lows together in it - the highs have been talks about struggles in life, that God really does work all things together for the good. That we're together. She's never alone. About safety and comfort. Rocking and praying and singing "Silent Night" and praying common prayer night time words and psalms. The lows, when I was tired and frustrated and scared it would be like this for years (again). And then, Darius Rucker came on the radio and brought me to tears: "It won't be like this for long". The struggles ebb and flow and won't be like this for long. Also, Karis won't be here for long (relatively). Sniff! So many Psalms peppered my mornings with redeeming words about no shame, radiant faces. Others about sleep, so many about peaceful sleep. The Ferber sleep book confirmed in a comforting way what my ponderings had concluded: the important things for our fam are that she feels supported and understood, and that we get the best sleep we can. Which means our sleeping arrangements certainly look odd to the world . . . and, there is peace. Trev likes to joke that he is "ferberizing us both". And, this will be a blip on the screen, AND it will be part of our family's story.

Simple, true. That phrase has come up a couple times lately and I LOVE it so much.

Friend that's a Girl Play Date
A first, Judah's little bestie from preschool came over, along with her brother and mom. So dear, and also a treat to learn more about her family and share stories. Grateful for this stage in the game, Judah still here and yet reaching out and all the things.

Basement - BOOM
It happened, carpet laid and now just finishing work. It's like a good dream. The kids run and make shadow shows and hide in their hobbit hole and strew their toys across the open space. Trevor works in his office and uses his bathroom for his haircut ritual. Dream!

- "Daddy, what are we going to have for breakfast and lunch and dinner when mommy's gone?" Trev: "Whatever you make me!" K: look of panic
- "Thankfully Grandma and Grandpa are rescuing us"
- "Can you imagine not having a TV? I can't imagine life without my shows!"
- "I wish I could just squeeze you here like a doll" (putting her to bed)
- "Did she have a sea infection?" (she meant c-section!)
- "I just miss Arizona so much!"

Judah Jabbers:
- "Mom did you get a new purse? Wow, that is so cool! I love your new purse"
- "I'm gonna go pack too! I'm gonna make a pile for Arizona and mom can put it in the suitcase!"
- "Praisee the Lord, I found my crocs!"
- "I wish we could have a sleepover"
- "No, these are the rules! You can't do that in my room!"
- "You're breaking my heart!"
- "Oh, you're in your pajamas! I'm happy to see you like that Karisee!"
- "Mom, are you a bibliomaniac?" (yes! From the book Big Words for Little Geniuses)

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Birthday Boy

Oh this boy. I don't even know where to start . . .  so, the facts of celebrating Judah will begin the gush.

Festivities started the day after Christmas, thanks to Gma N - we were in Fargo at a fun hotel and it was subzero and so cozy. Swimming, Space Aliens brought in, and a party in their room with lego plates and cupcakes and ice cream and presents and singing. He clearly was feeling the love.

Celebrations continued at home in a unique way, dear Karis got what seemed to be influenza and was on the couch for Judah's birthday. Which in its own way, gave Judah reign of the house and put him in charge of whatever he wanted to do: play with all his new toys! It fit his personality and I'm grateful, his expectations are sweet and small. We did the special plate, Ps. 139, long weird balloons (inappropriate picture not included of how he very innocently put them in his pants and walked around), cinnamon rolls . . . looking at old pictures and telling stories, tried to make a nice dinner and he didn't eat it, because . . . flu hit him the next day. Mercy be, spared on his actual birthday, a gift.

For the first year, Judah's been to some super birthday parties and so for the first time a friend party was gonna happen (I know, 5! Post Christmas baby, what can be said). What he wanted for his party:
- Watch "Mater Tall Tales"
- Eat cookies
- With: Ted, Mitchell, Leif, Josh

Sweet and easy! So we also picked up Wendy's for the crew, which they watched during Mater. Some punch balloons, remote control cars, gifts . . . the time was wild and wonderful.

And then preschool honored his day with a crown, prayer, singing, "lighting" a birthday cake, and having Trevor read a story (Pig in a Wig).

Trev's parents were in town shortly after and kept the party going with donuts and monster truck movies (with encouraging messages, who knew?)

Judah continues to be tender (can also be tough - "I'm okay I'm okay!" he assures us when he gets hurt). He is hilarious and makes us laugh by hiking up his pants and running around. He loves to cuddle and read books. He adores his friends and school, and also needs his alone time (ahem, like his mom). He's wise and reflective, curious and attentive. If he doesn't know people, he hides behind my legs (or puts his hood over his head). He pushes his "SEEster's" (how we say that word around here) buttons (read: for a while was hiding her toys and watching her be miserable trying to find them, before days later confessing). He has a quirky and hilarious sense of humor. Sometimes he puts on ALL his socks at one time, and lately also tried to put on ALL his pants and underwear (partially succeeded). He's content, and I've noticed how happy he is for others in their joys. Salty stories will wait for another day.

I feel less emotional than usual about Judah growing up - savoring the memories and treasuring his growth in so many ways this year. Or, just in denial. He's a delightful buddy and getting to know him is a gift.

Judah's fave things: 
Friends (Poppy, Ted, Mitchell - most talked about)
School ("Do I go to Calvary after this day?)
Monster trucks, hot wheels, mad matter (so fun), markers, paint
Books (esp. Shirley Hughes' Alfie books right now, Yak and Gnu, Snip Snap & Snur, That's Not a Hippopotamus!, Mr. Magee books, Comic Bible)
Still likes to eat lunch in my lap while I read to him
Cheesy peas, biscuits (belvita!), McDonald's ice cream, banana snack cake, hot chocolate, pannekuchen, candy
Sleeping in his tent
Playing "tickle monster" and hide and seek with me during the days
Making forts - everywhere. Even out of luggage in airport terminals
"snuggle forts" (lots of blankets piled up anywhere, esp. behind the couch)
Tractor shirt and Grandma Nancy pants (lays them out at night for the next day)

Judah's birthday jabbers: 

"I'm five years old!"
"Is it my friend party today?"
"My cough is all better for my friend party!"
"My favorite clothes are CLEAN!"
"You and Santa are besties!"
"Did I gulp the words out of your mouth?"
"Mommy when I'm as big as Goliath, I'll like fruit"
"Fat chubby professor!" (no idea where this came from, he hikes up his jammy pants and walks around like Urkel - remember Urkel?)
"Fat chubby books"
"I'm happy for you too!"
"I can help!"
"You are breaking my heart!"
"I don't really know" (the answer to many of my questions)
"Me and Caleb made fire muffins!" (he loves preschool)
"Or you can pull the red cord when you need to be in the arms of your grown up" (said while in the bathroom with Trev at the nursing home . . . big heart melter)
"I'm gonna fill you up with love!" (what we say when we hug)
"Can we go home and you can fill me up with love?"
"Sure I can!"
"Isn't it neat how everyone was five? I didn't know YOU were five Mommy!"

The Louise Ames Bates/Gessell Institute developmental books I read every year for both K & J have some wonderful things to say (and I agree to) about 5 (the book title: Your 5 Year Old: Sunny & Serene):
- "'My own best mommy' is what he often calls her" (seriously, he will run up to me and say this and of course it's the best! How do these people know these things?)
- "They like to hear how much their parents love them" (well, who doesn't, right?)
- "They sometimes overestimate her ability to read their minds, often quick and impatient and don't always give the necessary clues as to what they're talking about. Then they get angry if she doesn't pick up on their story at once. It takes a quick wit to be a mother" (well, yeah)
- "And admittedly, if things go wrong, children will sometimes take things out on mother" (sometimes? Try, always)
- "Most fives are very fond of their fathers, proud of them, and love their company . . . it is more likely that the five will take an outburst of temper out against his mother than his father. And in the insecurity of the night, it is mother whom he wants" (of course)