I am a forgetful person. Which is ironic, because (well, Trev would tell you) I have a great memory. It's easy to forget the seemingly basic things . . .
Every single year, I forget - Good Friday is about Grace. Every year I walk in to the dark, candlelit, rose-petal-strewn church feeling pensive - wondering, stubborn, ashamed that I put Jesus on the cross. Ashamed of how I just can't seem to get it right, just can't seem to love as well as I think I should, ashamed that I keep forgetting the fundamentals of love and love in action. And then - the readings, the songs, the Cross, the words spoken over me . . . are Grace. I need to go to remember. Lost Sheep that I am, I'm so grateful. The cross is not about what I did to put Jesus there, it's about what He did to redeem humanity and bridge the gap and welcome us into His fold. Forgiven, restored, sent forth. No matter how many times I forget, the Grace is there. Will I receive the gift and move forward?
This ballad: Sing to Jesus . . . "Lord of our Shame, He is our Great Redeemer". Oh Amen. Oh thank you for the chance to remember.
Every year, the Vigil - powerful. The story of creation, the lightness, the hope, that every story points to: ALLELUIA. This year the song Behold our God hit deep. Karis was part of a dance to the Ezekiel "dry bones" reading. A week later, it was one of the daily readings, and recalling the children's movements with the music (The Creed), soul stirring. We are brought to new life through powerful breath.
Every year, I forget - Easter is a season - 50 days! April Showers and Easter Joy have so far held . . .
Easter - my parents and Grandma Paula were with us, so special.
Easter Monday
I forget, every year there's a small group of friends who celebrate together - play date and cheers style, so sweet.
Hydrangeas - instead of lilies, in memory of (Becky & our Grandparents in-Glory)
Beach Day. Including Judah's bed being the airplane that took them to Florida (on a towel in Karis's room). In the pic, notice the noise machine/i-pad beach scene/sounds.
Great British Baking Show. A new thing here for us, very bonding for me and Karis, the cuddles and wonderings - "Who do you think is going to win?"
Tea Tuesday revisited (it's gone by the wayside because of hip hop dance class . . . we skipped picture day and cozied up instead)
Fresca Fridays
It's our thing, books and bikes and popcorn are the side dishes.
Spring Concert
Just so sweet, Karis was on an end of a riser and totally rocked out, love that girl.
Baptism Class
Trev and I were invited to talk about our parenting journey . . . putting together thoughts brought me back to Grace again. Receiving, giving. Growing together, learning alongside our kids, needing others to join us on the journey. Grateful.
"NBD (no big deal) Hosting"
Some of our hopes for opening our home during Lent are coming true in the Easter season, starting with Easter Sunday. Continental-come-as-you-are-whenever-you-want spread after church (thanks for baking, momma). Maybe our new thing, it was relaxed and refreshing. Grateful, joy. I love watching the kids find their hosting rhythms, Karis reading to littles and Judah mostly sharing his toys and welcoming his buds to play. We've enjoyed neighbor friends here for grilling, classmate play date lunch, my bestie from college and her boys, Monday donuts with friends who needed to get out of their under-construction house . . . and now the deck is open for glorious spring and I'm pondering NBD gardening. Hmmm, stay tuned.
Some good reads: Divine Dance, Falling Free, Hillbilly Elegy, Underground Railroad, A Little Life, The Memory of Old Jack
He really amazes me and I continue to be dazzled by this journey together. Not perfect, growing, changing. Laughing, learning, loving. Together. He is diligent, gentle, hard working, fun loving. His new thing is Trivia night at Pizza Luce, I love that he has this way to meet friends and take a break. Training for a 10 miler (ask me later what I think about that - glad he's healthy and has goals . . . there's an "and"). Working hard, reading Calvin and Hobbes to the kids, teaching Judah to 2 wheel (and then taking him on risky rides) . . .
Karis-isms (the flavor of the quotables is changing - she's growing up and the reality is that I'm with her less now (sad!). Her questions and ponderings are often articulate and deep . . .)
- "I just love that moms are there to comfort you when things seem hopeless" (after she kind of broke her slinky)
- "Mom, could you not be on the phone as much tomorrow"
- "Can we talk about fun, not-work things at dinner tomorrow?"
- "Come on Judah, let's go play with our hudge pudge soup!" (the games they play in the back yard)
- She continues to be full of joy and zest and positivity, we are so blessed by her
- She asks questions that have me studying at night for answers
- She does this sweet thing when we're reading, nuzzles her face into my arm and sniffs me and tells me I smell good (sounds funny, right? She's always had an acute sense of smell)
Judah Jabbers
- "I can't tell you what I'm doing cause you might get upset"
- "Are you done phone calling?"
- - "Is he a merry-go-round-man" (while reading Miracle Man)
- "Hugs make me warm"
- "Karisee, I really liked your dry bones dance!"
- "But mom, I didn't get to read my books!" (on a morn I had to wake him to take K to school)
- "Mommy, what's silly of?" (if I laugh, he wants to know what's funny)
- "Daddy, you need to keep better track of me!" (on a bike ride, when he fell)
- "Mom, don't you just love me?" (after he's been a stinker - oh this guy)
Friday, May 12, 2017
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